Imagining and shaping a more participatoryin Latin America.

Instituto Update
We strengthen innovative initiatives and practices that spring from the political imagination of young, grassroots, black, indigenous and LBTQIA+ women in Latin America.
We work to make political systems more participatory and popular, bringing leaders and their territories closer to institutional politics.

A study of diversity in Brazilian elections
The +Representativeness research series seeks to identify the obstacles and opportunities for institutional political representation of groups historically excluded from spaces of power.

Mapping +Representativeness
A project to remember and disseminate the work of political innovation carried out by the ecosystem of initiatives for more political representation and an accessible democracy for all.
Em breve mais informações

Political initiatives in Latin America
The research and coordination project seeks to systematically map and analyze the ecosystem of initiatives and actors that play a crucial role in supporting political leaders throughout Latin America.
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Training and research program that seeks to increase the presence of black, indigenous and LGBTQIA+ women committed to social and climate justice, with a gender and race perspective, in spaces of power, subsidizing the ecosystem of initiatives for women’s political participation.

Plural, open and free political learning community and platform dedicated to helping diverse women enter and remain in Latin American institutional politics. Im.pulsa contributes to political representation and the democratization of political and electoral learning for diverse women.

Women in Dialogue
A project that researches what Brazilian women think about feminisms and proposes the creation of new strategies for articulating women’s needs and diversities in order to generate constructive dialogues around common values and expand women’s rights and political participation in Brazil.
Stories and narratives that are emerging from women and diversities, committed to their territories, to transform politics.
Media library
Our projects have toured Latin America collecting and analyzing data from different initiatives and political leaders.